AICRP (Palms) received “Best AICRP Center Award-2021-22”

All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Palms, ASPEE College of Horticulture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari received “Best AICRP Center Award-2021-22” in recognition of the outstanding research and extension activities carried out on coconut and cocoa crops during 2021-22.

AICRP (Palms) received “Best AICRP Center Award-2021-22”
AICRP (Palms) received “Best AICRP Center Award-2021-22”

On the occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebration of project, 31st Annual Group Meeting was held at CPCRI, ICAR, Kasaragod (Kerala) during 16-18th Sept., 2022. Out of 36 different research centers covering 14 states, 13 SAU’s, 4 ICAR institutes with 1 central university, award received by Dr. Pankaj P. Bhalerao, Project In-charge, AICRP (Palms), ACHF, NAU, Navsari from Dr. V. Geetalakshami, Vice Chancellor, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu; Dr. P. Rethinam, Former Executive Director, ICC (APCC), Jakarta; Dr. Anitha Karun, Acting Project Co-ordinator of AICRP (Palms) and Director, CPCRI, ICAR Kasaragod, Kerala and Dr. Ravi Bhat, Scientist in-charge PC cell, CPCRI, ICAR, Kasaragod, Kerala.