Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.

Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.
Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.
Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.
Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.
Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.
Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.
Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.
Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.
Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.
Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms.

Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor Dr. Z. P. Patel inaugurated the Exhibition cum Sale on Winter Blooms organised during December 7-9, 2022 at Green House Complex, ASPEE College of Horticulture. Dr. R. M. Naik, DSW, as guest of honour along with Dr. Alka Singh I/C Principal and Dean, department heads and faculties graced the function with their courteous presence.

Dr. Alka Singh, welcomed the dignitaries and explained different themes viz., indoor gardening for air quality purification, vibrant blooms, vertical blooms, adeniums, cactus and succulents block, grafted fruit plants, vegetable seedlings, along with processed and value added horticulture products. More than 100 varieties of plants were arranged with landscaping effect along with around 25 types of processed horticultural products. The exhibition is aimed to train students under Experiential Learning Program in growing and displaying plants with landscaping effect, customer dealing, team building, event management and to boost their confidence in horticulture career and entrepreneurial mind-set.