Distribution of rubber plants to the farmers of South Gujarat
Programme on distribution of rubber plants to the farmers of South Gujarat was organized by ASPEE College of Horticulture, NAU, Navsari at Regional Horticultural Research station, ACH, NAU, Navsari on 20/10/2023 in the presence of Dr. Z. P. Patel, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, NAU, Navsari; Shri Vasanthagesan (IRS), Hon’ble Executive Director, Rubber Board, GoI, Kottayam (Kerala); Dr. T. R. Ahlawat, Director of Research, NAU, Navsari; Dr. Alka Singh, Principal and Dean, ACH, NAU, Navsari; Dr. Thomson Abhram, Scientist RRII, Kottayam (Kerala); Dr. Lalit Mahatma, ADR, NAU, Navsari. Heads of Departments, Research Scientists and faculty members of college were also attained the event.